
All Leagues are Open to the Public

Ladies League Tuesdays and open to the public
The Tuesday night Couples League will be back, and open to the Public.
The Wednesday Night Men’s League will be back and open to the Public.
  1. Format:
    1. Wednesday tee off between 4:15 and 5:30 for 12 weeks commencing May 25.   The two teams with the most points at the end of the regular season will have a playoff for League Champion.  All other players will compete in a two week individual tournament.
    2. Two man teams with match & low net scoring.
    3. The lower handicap players will play each other and the higher handicap players from each team will play each other.
    4. Scoring:  Each match will play for a total of 5 points.  2 points for most holes won in the match.  2 points for low net.  1 point for most points won combining match play points won with low net points won.  In the event of ties points will be split.
    5. Match play handicaps:  Hole by hole match play will be calculated by playing off the low handicap player’s handicap.  The player with the higher handicap will deduct the handicap of the player with the lower handicap from his handicap and that will be his handicap for match play and the card will then be marked accordingly on the appropriate handicap holes.
  2. Maximum total handicap 16 for nine holes.
  3. Maximum 1 handicap stroke on par 3s and 2 handicap strokes on par 4s & 5s.
  4. Winter rules apply only in your own fairway or in a position warranting free relief and if your ball is in a sand trap you may lift the ball and drop outside the hazard with no penalty.
  5. U.S.G.A. rules apply, except where local rules are in effect.
  6. If a rule is in doubt both players must agree or play two balls and the host professional will decide.
  7. Handicaps change weekly. Play is from the White tees except players age 70 and over may play the Blended tees.
  8. Place scorecards in the scorecard box in the bar area or in the Golf shop side door mail slot immediately after play.  Players are responsible for filling our scorecards completely.  Scorecards must be completed and legible.
  9. Tee off is no earlier than 4:15 and no later than 5:30 pm. On a particular week, the match may be played at an agreed upon time.  Both teams must agree to the change and the match must be played on the scheduled Wednesday.
  10. 2022 league fees are $75.00 for prizes and $225.00 for green fees for non-season pass holders.  All fees must be paid to Brian Lowe, host professional, by week three.  Non-season pass holder Subs will pay a nine-hole fee of $20.00 including cart or $30.00 for 18 holes with cart including league play.

Non-season pass holder league members choosing to play 18 holes including league play will pay an additional $10.

  1. All players MUST sign in at the Golf Shop before you begin play.
  2. Rainouts will be determined at 2:30 pm.

Thank you for playing by the rules and have a great season!